Monday, August 22, 2011

LiftTracker 1.4.7 - now goes to public beta

I am happy to announce that after 3 months of extensive testing, I am going to be opening LiftTracker up to a more open beta. You no longer have to request access via email. 

Just go over to and sign up. 

For those of you who have been giving feedback and guidance I really appreciate it. There is still a lot in the hopper right now. 

A few things have changed for those of you who have been using it: 

1) The lifters that are visible to everyone are those who belong to your gym (you pick this when you sign up), and the lifters at Tampa Barbell who have been contributing over the past 3 months. The reason for this is that the lists were getting unwieldy and now that the beta is opening up, there will be 100s of names, creating a lot of confusion. 

So, if you and some buddies want to sign up and use it together, just be sure to register with the same gym name. 

I will be adding a 'buddy finder' feature shortly where you can search out lifters by their location, lifts, etc, but the main feedback I got was to focus on the usability for the individual user, so that is what I have done. 

2) Raw lifting is now tracked against separate numbers from your equipped lifts. This leads to more accurate calculations. 

3) The calculations have been revamped and are certainly still a work in progress. Another special thanks to Dave Bates for his help. Soon, all the calc numbers will be available via graphs as it is a lot easier to see this stuff visually. This is my number one priority. For now, if you want to see what the calcs will look like when done over time, choose one of the Tampa Barbell lifters as your favorites, go into Show Training, Weekly Log, and select him in your lifter drop down. You will see the statistics for each week's training. 

4) one cool feature I decided to add this weekend was the ability to 'remember' a particular note or Log Entry. Have you ever had an epiphany when training or gone home to plan something out and then forgot exactly what it was 2 weeks later? Happens to me all the time. Now, when creating a log entry, if you click the Remember button, this particular item will be remembered and searchable. When viewing your training, you can choose to filter down to remembered items. This will allow you to see all those observations you made during the training cycle. 

Finally, the app should work on all recent mobile devices. The 'Show Training' feature is certainly best viewed on a tablet or desktop browser. Chrome, Firefox, IE (8+), Safari are all supported. 

I realize I probably need to produce a bit of documentation but I am hoping that the features are just sort of intuitive. If you have questions, just email me. 


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