Sunday, May 8, 2011

LiftTracker 1.2.2 is out

This little release was mostly about bug fixes and improving the calculations.   I also added in a few things to make finding log entries easier.

For the calculations,  I reduced it down to 4 zones which you can see when you run analyze.   Dynamic work falls into Zone 1,  volume work Zones 2 and 3, and max effort work Zone 4.

Also,  accessory movements are now contributing towards the calculations.   Previously only the main lifts were.   This should vastly change your volume and intensity numbers now.  Please take a look and let me know feedback.

I added the ability to quickly select an exercise or lifter to view while in Show Training options.   I put this in so one could quickly find history of a particular exercise,  or if you train with a group,  you can find it for the group.   Comes in handy when 5 guys are all training and trying to beat a PR that day!

*Note that you can still have permanent favorite lifters and exercises defined.  This is just a quick way to find something while in the Show Training view.


I have re-ordered the Modifiers.   The gear is now at the top.  I had noticed people were including their gear in the notes section rather than choosing it as a modifier.   This will defeat the PR calculator because it doesn't know that it was a geared lift vs a raw lift.   If you always train raw,  you can turn off the gear display in the main page options.


One thing I am doing is working with some lifters in the 'Pro' category.    I will be building in the ability to search out lifters by weight class,  lift,  and/or total.   Of course,  this will only become useful after we have a bunch of these folks in the system  so I am recruiting.   If you are a PRO lifter but not so computer-savvy,  I will work with you to use the system.   I also recognize that the blogging tool sort of sucks for learning for multiple reasons.   I hope to make a manual that I can post up as well.

I am also working on the 'social' features.   What I am experimenting with now is the ability to link a log entry to a Youtube video.  When new videos are available from lifters in the system,  you will get notification and should be able to view them right from the app.   This is a target for the next release.

NOTE WELL:  making way for the social features will require me to delete a bunch of users who have not logged on and are not participating in the Beta.  The reason is so the people finder doesn't get clogged up with people who are not using the app.   I will also be sending out a warning email before purging the data.

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