Friday, May 27, 2011

1.2.4 - bug fix, tweak exercise list display

As I've added more and more exercises to the list of predefined set, I have gotten some feedback that a quick method to filter them should be available while viewing.

So, in the exercise picker,  BY DEFAULT now,  it will only show your favorites if you have them defined.   If you want to see All,  click the button in the top-right.  Clicking it is a toggle which will go between favorites and all of them.   Remember to define favorites, use the main page options screen.  

What's coming up?     I had to take a little break in development to deal with gym matters.   Tampa Barbell needed a massive update to their web site, etc so I have been working on that.   That is done and I can get back to LiftTracker.

Been busy on social features such as finding and following lifters and getting notifications on their progress.

I have had some pros logging their data so one can immediately come in and choose to follow the 'Pro' group.

I expect to launch this in a week or so.


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